Saturday, December 29, 2012

Bath Time

Estelle has been getting sponge baths at home up until last week. Initially it was because her umbilical cord hadn't fallen off yet, then it was because I was too scared to give Estelle her first bath in her little whale tub by myself.  Luckily Grandma Cindi was able to come over last Thursday to assist me with giving Estelle her first official bath. The experience was good for everyone involved and I'm proud to say I have successfully given her another bath by myself since then. It's funny what things seem overwhelming to me as a first time mom because it is the 'unknown'. I'm sure I will encounter many more of these along the way. I'm just happy I have people around me to help guide me through them.
Here's a picture of Estelle in her tub with Grandma Cindi.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Cookie Day

This year Estelle got to attend the 6th Annual Cookie Day at the Templin household.  It is a wonderful tradition where the ladies in the family spend the day eating, drinking and baking. It was fun to have Estelle there with us this year. Here she is with grandma Cindi.

Here she is with the T-shirt we made for our first cookie day.
I think she'll need a few years to grow into it. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Big Blue Eyes

Estelle is spending more of the day awake and alert and her eyes are turning more blue, just like her daddy. Here are some pics of the last few days.


Big Girl Pajamas

When we first brought Estelle home, we would swaddle her every night to help her go to sleep. Soon we were swaddling her with her arms left out because she seemed to like sleeping with her arms out to the side or above her head. The last few nights we have transitioned her into a sleep sack and she just loves it.
Here's Estelle all swaddled up

Here's our big girl in her sleep sack

Sunday, December 9, 2012

One Month Check-up

Estelle went for her one month check-up a couple of days ago. She weighed in at 10.0 lb measured 22" long and her head measured 15 1/4". She is in the 75th percentile for all measurements. She also got one of her first shots during this visit. It was slightly traumatic for both of us and she definitely needed a little extra TLC for the next day or two.  Here's a picture of her sporting her pink band-aid.

Other things that she has started to do in the past week include cooing and smiling more which has been enjoyable for me and Keith. She has also been able to find her thumb to suck on to help calm herself.

Here's a picture of her after bath time which she really has started to enjoy. Nothing smells better than a freshly clean baby.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

One Month Old

Estelle is already one month old. It's amazing how fast the time has gone and how much she has changed. She has outgrown some of her Newborn outfits and has already moved from Newborn diapers to Size 1.  She is more alert and interactive everyday and she definitely looks more like her daddy as she gets bigger. Here are some of her one month pictures.


When we first came home we went to the pediatrician and she said Estelle was doing so well that she didn't need to see her back for another 4 weeks. Keith and I were happy with her good report, but were concerned about how much weight she was gaining when we brought her home, especially since she had lost so much weight before she came home. We finally figured out the best way to weigh her at home - we weigh her car seat with our luggage scale empty and then with Estelle in the car seat. It isn't the most accurate weight, but as long as her numbers go up every week, we are happy. So that's how Sunday became 'weigh day' at our house. According to our calculations she's over 10# today!


Keith and I are excited Estelle is staying awake more often during the day and interacting more with us all of the time. The past few days we have been trying to get her to smile an trying to capture that smile with a picture. Here are some of our more successful attempts.