Thursday, May 28, 2015

Head Gear

Keith left his headlamp within Estelle's reach, which means it became an accessory for her.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Here is my beautiful big girl Estelle.
And these are the faces she starts to make when she knows she's getting her picture taken. She's saying "Cheese" and trying to smile.

And when her eyes roll into the back of her head, I know she's smiling real hard.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Our Little Adventurer

Harriet has really left no corner of our home unexplored, including the back of the cabinets.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Beep Beep

Harriet continues to become more and more mobile. Here she is enjoying her truck at G&Gs

Friday, May 22, 2015


I've been trying to take advantage of the nice weather and walk with the girls a few nights a week before bedtime. I've found the more stuff I give them to play with, the longer I can walk with two happy girls.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


We are trying to take advantage of our beautiful backyard this summer. That includes having people over as often as we can. We've managed to create a nice dining experience for the little ones. Here are Estelle and Andrew enjoying their little bistro set-up with Harriet joining in on the fun.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Harriet doesn't really like to be in her Exersaucer anymore unless we are outside, but Estelle decided she wanted to try it out again.
And here's a flashback to when she was just five of months old enjoying the same thing. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

11 Months Photos

Harriet is already 11 months old. She is now able to stand up in the middle of the room unsupported and takes 3-4 steps. If two things are close enough, she can now walk from one piece of furniture to the next. Her first words besides mama and dada are "aaah choo" our version of a fake sneeze.
When I first tried to get her 11 month photos, I couldn't figure out why she was making all of these funny faces, then I saw the goldfish tucked away in her cheeks. 

Somehow that got replaced by a pacifier, which is weird because she rarely takes one and it usually only lasts a few minutes. 

And here she is trying to escape the chair...