Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I started feeding Estelle baby food fro pouches, mostly because they have fruit and vegetables mixed into one convenient container. Initially we fed her with a spoon, but recently she has started sucking the food straight from the container. She usually needs a little help getting the stuff at the bottom, but otherwise she does most of it on her own.


Sunday, September 22, 2013


We've been using some basic sign language words with Estelle. Here I think she is telling us 'more' while feeding her. It could also be clapping, but she's doing it consistently enough with the prompt for more and us performing the sign to her, that I'm giving her credit for it. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Our Little Explorer

Now that Estelle is really on the move, we are having to keep a closer eye on her as she continues to explore our home. The other night we found her in the bottom of her exersaucer. I was worried she would not be able to get herself out, but she had no problems at all.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Pulling to Stand

Estelle is loving being able to pull herself up onto just about any piece of furniture.
Here are a couple of the most recent pieces she has conquered....

The dining room chair

And her crib 

Las Vegas

Last weekend we headed out to Las Vegas for a family wedding. We were a little nervous for the trip as Estelle was diagnosed with a mild double ear infection two days before we were supposed to fly out. We started her on antibiotics and she did amazingly well on both flight and during our stay out in Vegas. We had adjoining rooms with my mom and dad while out there and they were both very helpful with watching Estelle while Keith and I participated in the wedding festivities. We even managed to recruit Uncle Kevin to watch Estelle while we were all at the reception.
It was a wonderful weekend.
Here's Estelle with Mimi and Papa at breakfast. She's definitely very mobile these days.

And here's my beautiful family all dressed up for the wedding.

Ten Month Photos

I can't believe how fast time has gone. I took these pictures the day she turned 10 months, but it's taken me another two weeks just to post them. Estelle continues to grow and explore. She's now a proficient army and knee crawler. She has also started to pull herself up on just about anything she can get her little hands onto.

And here she is trying to get out of the chair...

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mama's Little Helper

Estelle really has become much more aware of her surroundings and wants to be involved in everything we do. To help keep her happy when I'm cooking dinner, I started putting her in her highchair in the kitchen so she can see what I'm doing.