Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Daddy's Little Helper

Keith is remodeling the laundry room. Both girls know when he's working out there and stand by the door trying to go out to help him. Of course, both of them are too young to be of any help. One night after Harriet went to bed, we opened the door so Estelle could watch. It was pretty cold in the laundry room because Keith had opened the door to air out the room, so we got her all settled in with a warm blanket. 

Here's the laundry room mostly cleared out.

Here's Estelle all bundled up

And watching Daddy hard at work.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Purple Phone

Estelle really love talking on the purple phone and she recently picked up a pair of sweet purple glasses to match. 

Flashback to same phone 2 years prior...

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Train Ride

The Great Pumpkin Express also entailed a train ride. This was also very enjoyable for all. 

Here's Estelle hamming it up for the camera.

Harriet with Grandpa Marty.

And the kids looking out the windows as the world moves by. 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Great Pumpkin - Part 2

Some more pics from the meet and greet area before the train ride. Estelle loved the slide.

And Harriet opted for being held and eating raisins. It may have been the double ear infection...

Friday, November 27, 2015

The Great Pumpkin

Cindi and Marty took our family and his sister's family to the Great Pumpkin Express. It was so much fun, especially for Estelle. She ran up to the characters as soon as she saw them and played with them the entire time we were there. It was so funny to watch her. 

Estelle, Lucy and Grandma Cindi.

Grandma Cindi, Estelle and myself with Snoopy.

Harriet on the other hand, wasn't as excited about the characters.

Thursday, November 26, 2015


Estelle has been very preoccupied with playing doctor to both people and animals. She spends her time playing the sick patient and being the doctor.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Halloween - Part 2

I was able to hang Estelle's Happy Birthday banner in the front window in the new home

We celebrated Estelle's Birthday on Halloween night (due to needing to cancel her party the previous weekend due to croup). Here's Andrew helping to unwrap her presents.

We made many attempts to get pics of the kiddos all dressed up, but it didn't turn out too well. I did get some of Harriet with Grandma Cindi.

And Grandpa Marty.

And here's my 3-year old trying to blow out her candles. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Estelle was very aware of Halloween this year. She is having more fun dressing up. My sitter dressed up all the kiddos in costumes and spray painted their hair.Here's Estelle all dressed up in her costume.

And here she is playing with her birthday present from the sitter. A Veterinarian kit complete with a dog, bone, stethoscope, syringe and carrying case. Oh and some amazing purple glasses. I think she like of looks like a mad scientist.


Our first home on Maylor Dr officially sold yesterday. I don't think the reality of selling the house has hit me yet, but I am so happy that it's done. It was a great first home and we had a wonderful 8 years there. Keith and I got married in that home and had both of our beautiful girls there. I hope the new owners enjoy it as much as we did.

With the sale of our old home and being fairly settled in our new home, I'm hoping for life to slow down a bit. I just downloaded 119 pictures from my phone. So it's not that I haven't been taking pictures, I just have not had the opportunity to down recently to post. I hope to catch up on some fun things from the past month in the next week. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Indoor Picnic

Last weekend  we had an indoor picnic. It had been awhile sine the girls had played with all of their food items. By just setting out the blanket, it was like a brand new activity for them. I tried to get Harriet to look at the camera, but had no luck. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

No More Tangles

Estelle loves for Keith to comb out her hair after her bath or shower. Unfortunately her hair tends to get very tangled and he has lots of work. We are definitely considering buying some No More Tangles to make the process easier. 

Friday, October 9, 2015


It's been fun exploring some different activities with Estelle as she is getting older. One afternoon during Harriet's nap, we strung small beads on a shoelace. She loved it. 

Plus she's letting me put bows in her hair on a more regular basis!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Estelle really loves playing with play-dough. I usually try to bring it our when Harriet is sleeping or otherwise occupied. This day we made play-dough cookies and bowls. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Alzheimer's walk

We participate in the Alzheimer's walk last weekend. My company had a booth there and encouraged staff to come out and support the cause with their families. I thought it would be fun for us to take the girls. Here's my attempt of getting a picture of the girls in their stroller.

Our failed family photo

And Estelle's face painting. 

Estelle did great and walked most of the mile walk with Keith, while I pushed Harriet in the stroller. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Robot Cards

The High Five Magazine we get from Highlights has fun activities on the back two pages. One month  it was robot cards. Estelle had so much fun making different Robots and named them all.  

Thursday, October 1, 2015


We recently replaced some of our overhead lights and are in love with the changes it has made.

Dining Room Before

And After

Foyer Before

And After

Kitchen Before

And After