I promised myself I would start a blog when we had our first child. My sister has been posting one for years and I enjoy being able to watch her girls grow and stay updated on all of their adventures even though they live in Denver. So this is for friends and family far and near. I will do my best to keep updating it with pictures and stories of Estelle so you can share in all the joy we have with her.
Estelle Marie Templin was born on October 31, 2012 at 7:46am weighing in at 8lb 3oz and 20" long. She shares her birthday with her Grandma Cindi and Great Aunt Amy, which is so much fun.
Since bringing her home we have had an endless stream of friends and family bringing us meals, cooking for us, helping with cleaning/laundry and grocery shopping. It has truly been amazing and made transitioning from a family of two to a family of three so much easier. Plus Estelle has been such a good baby and easy to take care of. We just love her so much.
Here she is on our way home form the hospital.
Here she is practicing her tummy time, which sometimes puts her to sleep.
Some close ups of her sweet little face.
And hanging with her cousin Andrew
She is changing and growing a little everyday and we are enjoying our time getting to know her better. It's just amazing how much our lives have changed since this little lady joined our family, but I wouldn't change a thing.
First comment!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful little girl; strong first post. Thanks for doing this to keep us non-St. Louisians up to speed on our lovely new niece.