Monday, May 16, 2016

Princess Tea Party: Part Two

The tea party also included a very brief play of the story of Cinderella. Estelle was really excited during the show, but I'm not too sure Harriet cared much one way or the other. After we got to go up and meet the Fairy Godmother, Cinderella and Prince Charming.

Estelle loves meeting characters, so she walked right up to the Fairy Godmother. Harriet just happens to be in the foreground on this one. 

Then we moved onto Cinderella and her Prince. Harriet was not pleased at all about sitting on Prince Charming's lap while Estelle cried when we were done taking pictures and had to leave. 

On the way out, we stopped to play in the sand box. 

And here's Estelle refusing to remove her Cinderella apron or her crown.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Princess Tea Party

Cindi asked me if I'd like to take the girls to a Princess Tea Party. I knew that Estelle would love it, but I wasn't too sure about Harriet. In the end I decided it would be fun for the four of us to go. It was a cute little event. The girls got dressed up, made crowns and had tea (apple juice) and snacks. 

Mom and daughter selfies....

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Museum of Transportation

The girls took a field trip with G&G daycare to the Museum of Transportation. They sent me some wonderful pictures. It looks like they had a blast. These are some lucky girls. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Play-doh tower

Estelle loves to play with play-doh. Here she is showing off some of her fine work. 

Sunday, May 8, 2016


The girls really love to be outside. Estelle has become quite proficient at pedaling her tricycle. Harriet is not able to pedal yet, but does a pretty good job of keeping up with her older sister and cousin Andrew. 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Crown of Many Colors

We have several headbands with fun decorations on them. One night Estelle decided she wanted to wear all of them. Here's our Christmas, Minnie Mouse, Cat Princess!

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Harriet had a very bad cold that didn't want to seem to go away and ended up in her chest . We gave her nebulizers for a few days and it finally cleared up. Here's our big girl doing her treatment all by herself. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


I know I have not posted in almost a month, but my previous computer dies and I had to get a new one. I'm still adjusting to the upgrade of Windows 10 and trying to pull my old files to the new computer. I have tons of pictures to share over then next week or so as I get caught up. 

The first set is from when we decided to make superhero capes out of dish towels and chip clips. Easy and fun for everyone!