Cindi and Marty took our family and his sister's family to the Great Pumpkin Express. It was so much fun, especially for Estelle. She ran up to the characters as soon as she saw them and played with them the entire time we were there. It was so funny to watch her.
Estelle, Lucy and Grandma Cindi.
Grandma Cindi, Estelle and myself with Snoopy.
Harriet on the other hand, wasn't as excited about the characters.
I was able to hang Estelle's Happy Birthday banner in the front window in the new home
We celebrated Estelle's Birthday on Halloween night (due to needing to cancel her party the previous weekend due to croup). Here's Andrew helping to unwrap her presents.
We made many attempts to get pics of the kiddos all dressed up, but it didn't turn out too well. I did get some of Harriet with Grandma Cindi.
And Grandpa Marty.
And here's my 3-year old trying to blow out her candles.
Estelle was very aware of Halloween this year. She is having more fun dressing up. My sitter dressed up all the kiddos in costumes and spray painted their hair.Here's Estelle all dressed up in her costume.
And here she is playing with her birthday present from the sitter. A Veterinarian kit complete with a dog, bone, stethoscope, syringe and carrying case. Oh and some amazing purple glasses. I think she like of looks like a mad scientist.
Our first home on Maylor Dr officially sold yesterday. I don't think the reality of selling the house has hit me yet, but I am so happy that it's done. It was a great first home and we had a wonderful 8 years there. Keith and I got married in that home and had both of our beautiful girls there. I hope the new owners enjoy it as much as we did.
With the sale of our old home and being fairly settled in our new home, I'm hoping for life to slow down a bit. I just downloaded 119 pictures from my phone. So it's not that I haven't been taking pictures, I just have not had the opportunity to down recently to post. I hope to catch up on some fun things from the past month in the next week.