Saturday, August 30, 2014


Just some updated pics of Harriet. This first one is one of my new favorites.
And here she is playing with one of her rings. She has gotten better at reaching for and holding onto small toys. She has also gotten better at bringing her hands and toys up to her mouth. This series of pics just makes me laugh.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Jogging Stroller

I finally got my double jogging stroller out and put the infant sling back in, so that I could start running with the girls. Here they are before our run.
And again after the run. Harriet fell asleep and Estelle decided to share some of her toys, including her book with Harriet, which I thought was very nice.

And here is a rare picture of the three Templin girls. One of my neighbors came by to say hi and snapped this one for us.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Estelle's Hat

Estelle loves wearing her hats around the house. She also wears Keith's hats from time to time, and tries to put her hats on us. It's become a daily thing here for us to try on all different sorts of hats, which Keith and I find very entertaining. Here are just a few of the ones I've gotten of Estelle and her hat recently.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


Recently Estelle has taken to playing and trying to hide in the cupboards. Here she is sitting inside the cupboard while she plays.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Maternity Leave Projects

Even with two kiddos keeping me busy on my maternity leave, I've managed to get a couple of projects completed. Here are pics of two of them.
The first is Harriet's name framed for the girls' bedroom.

And the second is a fabric playhouse that slips over a card table. The first night I had it out Estelle tried to get me and Keith in there with her at the same time. It was pretty comical.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Getting Dressed

Estelle has been participating more when she gets dressed. She still wears her shorts and PJ bottoms on her head all the time, but she has also started to put them on the correct way. One day I found her with her PJ bottoms around her thighs, but not all the way pulled up. I guess she tired herself out trying to get dressed.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Mimi, Papa & GiGi

Here are some pictures of Harriet with her Mimi, Papa and Gigi from our Ohio trip.

And a picture of Estelle stealing Chex from her Papa.


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Road Trip

We drove to Ohio with both girls to introduce Harriet to everyone. Both girls did really well on the road, which I was thankful for because we are going to do it all over again in a couple weeks. I rented a movie on the iPad for Estelle to watch. I though I would have to hold the iPad the whole time because it's kind of heavy, but I was wrong.
And here's a great pic of her all stretched out, making herself nice and comfy.

Friday, August 15, 2014

2 Months

Our little girl turned two months old while we were in Ohio visiting family and friends, so I was a little late taking her two month onesie photos (and even later posting them).

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Gardens

I took Estelle and Harriet to the Missouri Botanical Gardens with my friend Libby and her two girls about two weeks ago. The girls played well, especially once we got to the lambs. Here are some of my favorites of Estelle. Sometimes she looks so sweet and others she makes the funniest faces.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Here is a sweet pic of the girls hanging out on the couch. Estelle really wanted to hold Harriet's hand.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


Just wanted to post some more recent pics of Harriet. She's really starting to be more alert and interactive every day. She's starting to get her own little personality and smiles all the time. It's been so much fun.