Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Finger Paint

I've been trying to take advantage of the last few weeks I have with just Estelle by doing a fun activity with her weekly. This week we dove into finger paints. Here we are getting set up with Estelle modeling her new "Bapron" (Baby Apron found on Pinterest). Thanks Grandma Cindi!!

I made a homemade finger paint recipe from Pinterest and then let her experiment.

Of course the first thing she did was try to eat it, which didn't go over so well, since it is a mixture of 1c flour, 1c salt, water and food coloring. But I think she enjoyed herself once she figured out it was to play with and not to eat.


Sunday, April 27, 2014


The weather here has been nice the past week, so Estelle and I have been going on more walks. Here she is sporting one of her new hats. She actually kept it on for 75% of our walk, which I call a win.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Licking The Bowl

Estelle's latest trick during meal time is to lick the bowl. We've been trying to let her feed herself more and she's been much better using her fork and spoon. But sometimes, she just can't seem to get that last bite of food, and this is what happens...

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Sensory Bin

I finally made my first sensory bin for Estelle, thanks to a wonderful pin on Pinterest. I was a little doubtful about dying the rice with food coloring, but mine actually turned out just like the pictures on the website.

I laid out a sheet on the floor to place the bin on, as I was sure she would make a mess. At first Estelle just played with the sheet and toys. There was no need for the bin to entertain herself.

Finally I introduced the bin and she really liked the activity. She played with and in the rice for about 30 minutes. By the time she was done all the colors were mixed and I had a very happy baby girl. All in all a success.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


As with all children, Estelle loves to play in and with boxes. Estelle found this one and decided she wanted to sit in the box with Minnie while watching her morning TV and getting her nebulizer. (Never mind that her rocking chair is directly behind her.)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Here she is playing with her hats again. Hopefully all this practice will pay off this summer!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Mornings With Estelle

Mornings with Estelle are sometimes unpredictable. She work up at 4:15 this morning, but was in the best mood. We tried to snuggle with her and get her back to sleep, but she was ready to get up and play. She spent the morning pushing Minnie around in her stroller. And I wanted to give her some more practice wearing her new hat. I know the pics are a little blurry, but she was really on the move. 


Friday, April 4, 2014

Summer Hat

As the weather here warms up, I've been trying to get Estelle to wear a hat to keep her little head covered when we go outside. We brought out her hat from last summer, sure that it would still fit her because it was so big on her last year. We were completely wrong. Just another reminder of how much she's grown in the past year.
I bought this hat at the end of last summer because I thought it was adorable and it was on super clearance. We had her try it on and she did a pretty good job of keeping it on her head.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


It was time to clean out Estelle's closets and drawers again as the weather here gets a little warmer. Thankfully she's fully stocked with an amazing wardrobe given to us by our friend Maggie who has given us all of her daughter's hand me downs. Estelle kept trying to "help" me, which of course made things much more time consuming. In an attempt to distract her I gave her a bag with all of her shoes. It worked beautifully and she played with her shoes long enough for me to finish up my project.