Saturday, February 22, 2014

Doctor's Office

Estelle went for a 3 month check-up with the ENT to make sure everything is going well with her tubes. Good news: Everything looks good and we don't need to go back for another 6 months. I was a little worried about the appointment because it was so close to her normal nap time, but she did great. It could have been the fun toys in the ENT's office she got to play with while we were waiting.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Weekend Mornings

We brought the boppy back out when my friend Patty was over with her daughter and never really put it away. Estelle has decided it's her new favorite sitting place in the living room and will curl up in it wherever she can find it.

And here she is enjoying a Templin family tradition on the weekends... Federhoffer's donuts along with a glass of milk!


Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Estelle has definitely been working on cutting some new teeth. She's been chewing on washcloths and anything else she can put in her mouth to try and sooth her gums. We've been giving her Orajel a couple of times a day and that seems to be helping. This past week, we let her play with the tube after she got a dose and she surprised us by trying to give her lamb the Orajel.

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Keith and I both had this past Tuesday off and Cindi was nice enough to meet us at Costco so we could do some shopping on their membership. Halfway through the store Estelle started to get restless and asked for "down" to get out of the shopping cart. She then assisted me with pushing the cart for a couple of aisles before she got tired out.



Friday, February 14, 2014

Sitting on the Ball

Estelle loves this Dora the Explorer ball she got from a friend of ours for her Birthday. The past few days I've found her sitting on the ball and then trying to bounce up and down on it. It's pretty amazing to watch her balance and accomplish this high level task.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Play Date

I had a play date with my friend Patty and her daughter Isa this past weekend. Estelle was so excited to see a baby and play with her. She just kept saying "hi" over and over again. She played really well with Isa did a good job of trying to share with her.

Estelle spent most of the day chewing on a damp washcloth as she's working on getting some more teeth. Whatever works.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Las Vegas

Last week I went to Las Vegas for the annual Physical Therapy conference. I was gone Monday night through Thursday night and it was my first time being away from Estelle for more than a night. I am very thankful for today's technology because I got photo and video updates and I also got to face time with her, which made being away from her easier.
While staying with Marty and Cindi, they decided to have Estelle play with some poker chips since mommy was in Vegas. Of course she loved playing with them. When I got home, I dug out some of our poker chips for her to play with and they have been a big hit.
Her she is chewing on them.

She figured out the poker chips were magnetic and played with them and the magnet we have to unlock the cabinet doors in the kitchen. It was 20-30 minutes of entertainment. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Red Shoes

 Estelle is getting bigger every day. Recently I had to buy her new shoes as she has grown out of her current ones. After her bath the other night, she found her new red shoes, which were still attached by an elastic string from the store. She placed them behind her neck and walked around with them. Keith and I thought it looked like she was wearing a pair of boxing gloves and just kept laughing. Estelle just continued with her normal routine, bringing us books to read.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Daddy's Wallet

Estelle found Keith's wallet on the end table one morning and entertained herself for 15+ minutes by trying to remove the cards and then put them back into the wallet. Then she decided it may taste good and tried chewing on it. Or maybe it's all those new teeth coming through.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Knitting Class

My friend Rachel came over to have lunch with me and Estelle the other day. She also needed some help getting started on her knitting project, which I was happy to help with. Estelle was fascinated with the yarn and enjoyed playing with it while we worked. Needless to say we were much more productive when Estelle went down for her nap.