Sunday, November 17, 2013

One Year Photos

Estelle turned one year old on Halloween. I can't believe how fast this first year has gone by and how much she has grown. Here's a picture of Estelle when she was less than an hour old.

And here's my big girl sitting up, holding her #1 and talking on the phone. Again I took these pictures before she got her tubes, so many of them did not turn out. But this one is perfect.
Things about Estelle at one year:
- Her first word was "hi".
- She is able to stand while holding onto something and able to cruise around on the furniture, but she is not walking yet. She tried to climb on everything.
- She is still using her bottle most of the time, but slowly transitioning to a sippy cup.
- She loves to eat. So far she's eaten just about everything we've thrown her way including Italian Beef, Pork Chops and Sauer Kraut, Sloppy Joe's and of course any carb and fruit you can think of.
- Since getting her tubes she has started sleeping better at night and is getting up only once a night.
- She loves to play hide & seek, peek-a-boo and pat a cake.
Overall she is such a joy and we love her so much!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Birthday Cake!

We decided with everything going on to keep her cake simple and got petit fours from our favorite local bakery - Federhofer's. And because that's what Grandma Cindi wanted and Halloween is her birthday too. I think Estelle enjoyed her mini cake and it was more than enough for her to eat. She had a new toy in her right hand and would not release it, so she ate her cake left hand only. Silly girl.


Halloween Birthday!

I know it's been along time since I've posted, but we've been busy getting our little one feeling better. She finally got her tubes last Wednesday and has slowly been getting better each day. She's now only getting up once a night, so that's a huge improvement over the past few weeks. Keith and I have also been trying to catch up on our own sleep. Here are some pictures from her Halloween Birthday!! The actual Birthday Party we planned for her had to be cancelled because she was so sick, but we tried to make up for it.
Here's Estelle in her Birthday outfit.

And her she is in her Halloween costume. This was before tubes and she was not having a good night, so we had trouble capturing our normally photogenic little lady.

We borrowed cousin Andrew's pirate hat and hook. She was swinging the hook wildly in her left hand and loving it.

Opening presents...


Friday, November 1, 2013


A couple of weeks ago I met some friends for lunch and after I found this wonderful fall display, so I tried to grab some quick pictures with Estelle.