Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hide and Seek

We've been having so much fun playing with Estelle as she learns new skills.
Here's the latest addition!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Swim Lessons

Estelle is now old enough to start swim lessons at our local YMCA. This past week we had Marty join us to be our photographer. Here's a video of the swim lesson. I'm so proud of how well Estelle does in the water. She hasn't cried and kicks her little legs the whole time.  It's been so much fun for the both of us.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

Estelle and I created an "I Love Dad" sign and then had a photo session with it to help celebrate Keith's first Father's Day. I had so much fun taking all the pictures and I know Keith really enjoyed seeing them. And Estelle really loves paper these days, so she had fun too!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Estelle's Toothbrush

Estelle still doesn't have any teeth, but we are pretty sure she's working on them. She is constantly putting things in her mouth and chewing on them. I decided to try out her toothbrush to see how she would like it. I think it was a hit!!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Seven Month Photos

Estelle is now sitting up on her own and becoming more active and mobile all the time. She has become a bit of a moving target when it comes to picture taking.

Here she is blowing razzberries. Love those little lips!

Thinking about crawling soon....

When she gets tired she sucks her thumb, puts her hand on her head

and sometimes scratches her belly. What a funny girl.

And here she is passed out on the Boppy. One of her new favorite sleeping positions.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sitting Up

Estelle has been slowly learning to sit up on her own. She's gotten better and better at it each day and now she can sit for 10-15 minutes all by herself! It's been a fun process to watch. Here she is sitting on her activity mat.