Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Rice Cereal

We started introducing rice cereal a few weeks ago.
At first she wasn't really getting the hang of it and wasn't too interested.
Now she's all about it.

And here are some pictures of the aftermath.

Six Month Photos

I can't believe how fast time has gone. Estelle turned six months old today!!
Here are some of the pics from our photo shoot.

Extreme close up! My favorite.


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Stacking Cups

Estelle has a new favotire toy - her stacking cups. Here she is playing with them in the exersaucer.

And here she is getting some tummy time with them.


Friday, April 26, 2013

Leg Warmers

Recently Cindi has made Estelle two sets of leg warmers. I have fallen in love with them on Estelle and have made a few pairs of my own. They are super easy to make from a pair of knee high socks. Here's Estelle modeling them.

And let's not forget the sweat band just in case...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Estelle continues to get better with her head control, so we've been testing out the Exersaucer. At first she didn't last very long, but now she loves to hang out there and play with all the different objects attached to it. It's also perfect because she and her cousin Andrew can interact and play together. He frequently brings her toys while she's in there, which has just been so fun to watch.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

New Favorite Sleeping Position

First of all, I can't believe it's been two weeks, since I last posted. Sorry but we've been busy.

I've been propping Estelle on the boppy on her activity mat to get her some more tummy time and start working on sitting up more. She has started pushing herself backwards over the boppy, but it is her new favorite place to hang out and nap.


And this is what she looks like after I move her back to her 'starting' position. Haha.
Here she is wide awake on her tummy.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Red Party Dress

We went to a baby shower for Keith's cousin Erin this past weekend. I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to play dress-up with Estelle. Keith thought that it was time to play his favorite game 'pants on my head' as you can see. Estelle really likes this game too.

We all had such a nice time at the shower, but Estelle didn't nap much during the day because there was so much going on. When we got home she passed out pretty early and we thought she was just going to take a little cat nap. Well she slept straight through the night, so we never got her out of her party dress. This is how I found her this morning. Normally she's in a sleep sack, so she's never really gotten caught in her crib rails before. But she was sound asleep and happy.

I was able to get her untangled without waking her up. Next time I came in to check in on her, this is what I found. Just makes me smile!

Five Month Photos

Estelle went to the doctor last week for a check-up. She weighed in at 15lb and 3oz (50th percentile) and measured 25 3/4" tall (75th percentile). She got two more shots, but we both did better this time -She cried less and I managed not to cry at all. Our baby girl is just growing so fast and we are falling more in love with her each and every day.


Estelle's Fake Cough

Recently Estelle has started coughing just because she like hearing the sound of it. It has become an entertaining game that we now play with her and gets her to smile all the time. I tried to capture it, but it's been hard to do. Here's my best attempt.