Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Estelle Pics

So I know the main reason you all are checking this blog is to see pictures of Miss Estelle,
so here are some from the past few days.
This is Estelle trying out her bumbo seat. She's still a little small for it, but she loves sitting up so much that we thought we'd try it. With the assistance of a receiving blanket, it worked pretty well.

Here is Estelle trying out the new car seat we got for Andrew to ride in
when I pick him up from G&G Daycare (Grandma & Grandpa's)

Still loving sucking on her thumb

And passed out after a long day in daddy's hands.

Andrew & Estelle

Here are some pictures of Estelle with her cousin Andrew on the days I've watched them. I'm so happy that these two will grow up together and hopefully be the best of friends. At first I don't think they really new what to think of each other, but I think they are definitely getting used to each other.
Here's lunch time 
And just hanging out

Monday, January 28, 2013

Two Month Check-Up

Estelle went for her two month check-up today.  It's a little late as she will be three months old on Thursday, but her doctor changed practices and had to reschedule her original appointment. Overall we have a healthy growing girl. She is 12lb 6oz and 23 1/2" long which are both in the 50th percentile. She had to get two shots today, which made both her and I cry. I know they are necessary, but its hard to see your little one so upset. Keith and I were definitely happy to give her the extra TLC she needed tonight. Hopefully she'll be feeling better tomorrow.

Back To Work

So I went back to work last Monday. It was a much bigger change than I had imagined, which is why i haven't posted in so long. I tried my best to plan ahead by showering at night and packing Estelle's diaper bag the night before so i would have less to do in the morning. I think my preplanning worked as we were on time all week.

My first day back was a little slower, helping me to ease back into things, which was nice. The rest of the week however was super busy, which definitely made me feel overwhelmed. Overall I'm happy to be back at work, but there's been lots of changes since I left on maternity leave, which will take some time to adjust to. I had an especially good moment this week with a former patient which made me so happy to be back out doing patient care.

Estelle is being watched by Grandma Cindi and Grandpa Marty two days a week, by Uncle Mike two days a week and is home with me one day a week, for which I am thankful. Her cousin Andrew is also being watched by family all week long so these two will be thick as thieves. I definitely have my hands full on my "day off" when I have both kids, but I'm learning how to juggle the two kids better each time and we have some pretty sweet moments on those crazy days.

So life is moving on and we are doing our best to keep up.  Hopefully this week will be a little smoother at work than the last.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Random Estelle Pics

Here are some of my favorite pictures of the past few weeks....
Estelle napping with her butt in the air.

Sticking out her tongue after Keith taught her how to on our Ohio trip.

Enjoying her mobile.

And grabbing onto the rings by accident, startling herself a little in the process.

Outdoor Patio

Keith has been working very hard to build a new outdoor patio in our backyard this past summer and fall. The most recent addition happened this weekend, as Keith was able to take advantage of the beautiful weather we were having here in St Louis.

Here's the screen freshly cut

And here it is stained and in place. The rest will be cut out over the winter season and hung up this spring for us to enjoy. I can't wait!!

Finger Sucking

Estelle started sucking her thumb a couple of weeks ago. This has now progressed into sucking her two middle fingers, which I think is just so adorable!

Estelle's Owl Hat

 I got this awesome Owl Hat for Estelle before she was born. I was helping to host a trivia night for a family friend and this was one of the donations. I had to have it. Luckily Estelle seemes to like it too, once she got used to wearing it.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Ohio Trip

Keith and I drove to Ohio this past weekend with Estelle and were very proud of how well she did on her first big roadtrip. We had a wonderful weekend getting to visit with and introduce Estelle to lots of friends and family. Unfortunately I did not take many pictures as there were so many people who came over to meet her and it was a very busy and full day.
Here she is sleeping on the way there.

Estelle and Mimi

Estelle with Great Grandma

Estelle sleeping on the way home

Estelle's Expressions

Estelle has become quite animated over the past week.
Here are some of the many expressions we have captured and enjoyed.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Two Months Old - New Year's Eve

Estelle turned two months old on New Year's Eve. Having a newborn definitely changed how we celebrated New Year's Eve this year. We ended up at Kelly and Mike's for a small but wonderful fondue party. We left around 10pm and I was home and in bed before 11pm. This year sleep was more important than staying up until midnight. I must be getting old. Here are some pictures of Estelle in her 2-month onesie. No pictures of her New Year's Eve outfit as she may have had an accident in her party dress.



Estelle's First Christmas

This was our first year being parents for Christmas and we wanted to make sure we started things off right. It has been a tradition for Keith and I to buy our Christmas Tree from Ted Drewes every year. We may also happen to consume some of their delicious custard every year after we buy our tree. This year we took Estelle the day after Thanksgiving to pick out our tree. 

Here is a picture of the tree decorated.

And here is Estelle in her christmas outfit.